Proteins Folding and Design

How does aminoacid sequence of proteins predict its tridimensional structure?

The way as one unfolded polipeptide chain adquires the native protein configuration and another questions about how the folding of proteins occur still have been involving many biochemichal investigators. According to a presupposed that the organization of the molecules don't occur
aleatorically, the final proteins conformation arises thanks to the progressive stabilization of intermediaries.

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There are four structural levels of proteins

Depending of its complexity, one protein can be described as having until four levels of structures.

Primary structure is the aminocid sequence jointed by covalent bonds. It describes the linear or unidimensional of protein. The others levels that describe the tridimensional structure of proteins, include, secondary structure , regularity in locals conformations; terciary structure , the biologycally tridimensional native structure of entirety peptide; and for many proteins, quaternary structure, two or more polipeptide chains organized in one proteins with multiples subunities.

Many folding process are aided by enzimes and by molecular chaperones (proteins guides that minimize protein agregation and that dissociate agregates that had been made unfortunatelly).